Nationwide Coverage:
We are pleased to provide shipping services all across India.
Order Dispatch:
Orders are processed promptly, and we aim to dispatch your items within 24 hours of
receiving your order.
Delivery Timeline:
After your order is shipped, please give it 7-8 working days to arrive at its destination. A
safe and prompt delivery is guaranteed by our dependable courier services.
Shipping and Handling Rates:
The costs for shipping and handling may change depending on the size, kind, volume,
and packaging of the product. During the checkout process, you will be shown the
relevant charges so you can check them before completing your order.
Post-Delivery Damages:
EURO ARABIAN is not liable for any harm sustained following delivery. It is advised that
you check your package as soon as it is delivered, and on the day of delivery, you must
notify our customer care of any shortages or damage.
Cash On Delivery:
To counter fake orders we are taking non refundable 100rs Advance Payment on total
order value and balance amount customer can pay cash on delivery .
Thank you for choosing EURO ARABIAN:
Our goal is to give you a dependable and smooth buying experience. Kindly get in touch
with our customer care representatives if you have any more queries or worries: